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Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Augment Human Workforce

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The Vulnerability of Small Businesses: A Lesson from the Target Data Breach
In the intricate web of cyber threats, small businesses find themselves unwitting pawns in a game played by hackers with grander aspirations. The notorious Target data breach serves as a glaring example of how cybercriminals strategically target smaller entities as a means to access more significant prey. In this exploration, we dissect the dynamics of such attacks, shedding light on the vulnerabilities of small businesses and the ripple effects of the Target incident.

The Crucial Role of Cybersecurity for Small Businesses
In the ever-expanding digital landscape, the significance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated, even for the modest enterprises navigating the competitive business sphere. While the term "cybersecurity" may evoke images of intricate technological fortifications primarily reserved for corporate giants, the reality is that small businesses stand just as vulnerable â€' if not more so â€' to the perils of cyber threats. This article aims to illuminate the paramount importance of cybersecurity for businesses of a more diminutive scale.

Why you should not block scammer numbers
In the ever-evolving landscape of telecommunications, it's essential to adopt a balanced approach to call security. While protecting yourself from scams is crucial, an indiscriminate blocking of spoofed numbers may have unintended consequences. By staying informed, leveraging technology, and adopting a nuanced perspective, you can create a robust defense against fraudulent calls without sacrificing opportunities for meaningful connections and important communications.

The Art of User Experience in Web Design
User experience (UX) is a critical aspect of web design, determining how users perceive and interact with a website. A well-crafted user experience can greatly enhance engagement, satisfaction, and the overall success of a website. In this article, we will explore the art of user experience in web design, discussing key principles and strategies that can elevate the users journey and create a memorable digital experience.

The Evolving Landscape of Internet Security
The internet has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world. However, along with its countless benefits, the internet also presents various security challenges. In this article, we will explore the evolving landscape of internet security, examining the changing nature of cyber threats and the advancements in security measures.

What is CryptoCurrency?
Cryptocurrency has been a hot topic in recent years, with the rise of Bitcoin and other digital currencies capturing the attention of investors and the general public alike. But what exactly is cryptocurrency, how does it work, and what are the implications for the future of finance and society as a whole? In this column, we will explore these questions and provide some practical takeaways for those interested in this emerging field.

How SEO can help a business
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more organic traffic. SEO can benefit a business in a number of ways, including:

What is SEO?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the process of optimizing a website's content and structure to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are some key factors to consider when analyzing a website's SEO in relation to your business type:

Spotting scam emails
Scam emails, also known as phishing emails, are fraudulent messages designed to trick you into giving away personal information or money. They can be difficult to spot, especially if they are well-crafted and seem legitimate. However, there are some telltale signs that can help you identify a scam email and protect yourself from falling victim to one.

How to Spot an Online Scam
Spotting an online scam can be difficult, especially if you’re not familiar with how they work. Scammers are constantly coming up with new and clever ways to trick people into giving them money or personal information, so it’s important to stay vigilant and know what to look for. In this article, we’ll go over some common signs of an online scam and provide some tips for avoiding them.

The future of Web Design
As we enter 2023, web design continues to evolve and change at a rapid pace. One of the biggest trends in web design over 2022 was the increasing emphasis on user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). This trend has been driven by a number of factors, including the increasing importance of mobile devices and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in web design.

The Dangers of Being Hacked
The dangers of being hacked are very real and should not be taken lightly. In today’s world, where our personal and financial information is often stored online, being hacked can have serious consequences.

Website Security
Nobody wants to hack us! Yes, they do!

Don’t put all of your advertising eggs in one basket

Scams and Social Engineering

2021 New Year's Webolutions

Are your smart devices spying on you?
    So many of us are now surrounded by smart devices, which while making our lives generally easier, can pose personal security issues.

Is Double Authentication a great security feature, or an annoyance?
    If you regularly sign in to websites, especially financial institutions, you will have noticed that for many, there is now an extra step before you can gain access.

Content updated through trying times
If created professionally and monitored regularly, a web site can be one of the main lead-generating sources for almost any business.

I need your service and do you take credit cards?
Since the COVID-19 lockdown began, I have personally received four emails which begin with the same question. They are all money laundering scams.

Using Downtime Wisely
Spend your quarantine time expanding your business

SEO: The Next Generation
Preparing your site for voice search results

Watch Your Competitors
their websites can affect your search results

New Decade Webolutions
Time to assess your site

Smart Home Devices
Security or security risk?

I have video of you- send me bitcoins, or else!

Website Content
Writing your own is best

Managing Your Website
How difficult is it?

And the award goes to...
WordPress Wins... the award for most hacked website platform in 2018

Managing Your Own Website
How difficult is it?

Have you been "Pwned'?

What to ask before contracting a designer

Online Privacy
Does it really exist?

New Years Webolutions
Assessing your site's 2018 performance

Smart Home Devices
Security or security risk?

Website Basics by the Numbers

SEO agent, friend or foe?
Watch out for Black Hat techniques

Don’t Be Too Content With Your Content

’Vertical’ Search Engine Marketing
Using many sources to help your business

Apples or Oranges?
Knowing the difference saves time and money

Not only a risk for mega-corporations

Value Your Business!
Cheap sites create a cheap image

Sharing Photos Online
Be careful what you agree to!

Online Privacy
Is there really such a thing?

Technology keeps moving and so should your website!

Spam, spam, spam!
How to control the ever-increasing flood

Starting Over
Second business learning from the first business

Branching Out
Get  your name as far out there as possible!

So Many Questions!
What you should ask before contracting a web designer

What is Phone-up Web Design ...
and why is it used?

Managing Your Own Website
How difficult is it?

New Devices for Christmas?
How does your site look?

Onward and Upward
Introducing Air Aspects - the sky is literally the limit

Making a good first impression - Part II
Layout - go with the flow

Making a good first impression - Part I
All about the text

Our Best Sale Ever! - Well, since last week
Running constant specials lessens their impact

Preventing Spam
Simple ways to keep your inbox clean

SEO... well worth the time and effort
Promoting your site takes time, experience, repeat

’Vertical’ Search Engine Marketing
Using many sources to help your business

Hacking Humans
How we compromise ourselves every day

Apples to Oranges
Knowing the difference saves time and money

Feed Your Audience!
Share your products online

So Many Questions!
What you should ask before contracting a web designer

Open Source Websites
Know what to expect before making a decision

Design Psychology Part 2 - Layout

Design Psychology Part 1 - Color

Preparation is key

Open Source Web Site Woes

Keeping up with progress

Don’t keep all of your advertising eggs in one basket

Don’t Be Too Content With Your Content

Web Site Basics by the Numbers

When mobile devices have no mobility
How responsive is your site?

2015 New Year’s Webolutions - Out with the old, in with the new

Turning a visitor into a customer
Getting the facts and knowing your visitors can maximize your online potential

My site doesn’t work!
If nobody is calling, you need to identify why

Black Hat SEO
What Black Hat SEO is, and why you should avoid it

Spam, Spam, Everywhere... how to make sure you’re not helping it

Vertical Search Engine Marketing
Utilizing many sources to help your business

Send in the Clones
'Niche marketing' site experts can really hurt you

Why is SEO so expensive?
Promoting your site takes time, experience, effort, and repetition

The Pay-Per-Click Trap
Getting visitors to your website can break the bank

Being Responsive
Can your site be viewed properly on all devices?

You want a new website... now what?
Asking questions can help make the right choice

2014 New Year’s Webolutions - Out with the old, in with the new

Open Source Web Site Woes
Knowing where your site came from can limit unpleasant surprises

Free or low-cost web sites...
Buyer beware; you get what you pay for

Plant Your Advertising Seeds Wisely
More Diverse Crops Yield Wider Results

"Hello, I am calling you from the Windows User Support Help Desk."
New scammers hack humans as much as machines

Beating Slow Business
Would a prominent new location help?

What’s your E-Compatibility?
Are you wooing or rejecting your visitors?

You’re a spammer!
Not really, you may just look like one

Your web site is like a race car
Are you ready to take the lead?

Hackers, hackers, everywhere!!
And they're probably targeting you.

More bells, more whistles, more speed!
Make sure you don't lose your visitors

Did your web site help your business in 2012?
Kick off 2013 with a bang online!

Hacking Humans
How we compromise our identities every day

Social Media Marketing
Working Harder vs. Working Smarter

Black Hat SEO
What Black Hat SEO is, and why you should avoid it

Comparing Apples to Oranges
Knowing the difference can save your money, and your business

My site isn’t working...
If nobody is calling, you need to find out why!

Beware of ’expert’ site reviews at trade shows and conventions
Don't accept the jargon, ask for evidence!

Protecting Your Web Site
Even amateur hackers can hack your site

Procrastination Blues
If your web site isn't helping you,don't wait until the last minute to act

The Pay-Per-Click Trap
Getting visitors to your web site can break the bank

Free or low-cost web sites
You get what you pay for

Keeping your Web Site Fresh
Making sure your site is up to date can help your visitors and search results.

Hosting your web site
Basic, Shared, Dedicated and VPS.  Choosing which best suits your site needs.

Keeping it Real
Getting facts and having realistic goals can maximize your site potential

Keeping Your Site in the Cloud
Google has apps to enhance any site

Old Web Wives Tales
Multiple domains will help your business get results...

Shopping Engines?
Are your products being found and purchased online?

Watch Your Hack
Can you minimize your risks of being the victim of a hacker?

Like, follow and friend me
How social media mentality can help or hinder your business...

Maximizing your budget
takes planning and timing...

Going Local...Will Googles new searches affect your site?

Your New Web Site
what to plan for before you begin

Staying Current.. technologies can make you a leader.

2011 New Years Webolutions...
...cast your net as wide as you can

Maximizing Market Share
It isn't only large corporate sites that can change with the times

Penny auction sites..
...Can cost you much more in the long run

Feel The Need For Speed...
but don't forget the tortoises

Static vs. Content Management
Building for the long term

Build for Your Visitors
Create your site around your target audience

Keeping Your Site in the Cloud
Google has apps to enhance any site

Reaching the Masses
More languages, more customers...

Maximizing your budget
is easier with planning and good timing...

Blogs, Facebook and Twitter, oh My (space)...
Can social sites help your business?

Great Expectations
Knowing what your site is and isn't likely to achieve is the key to success.

New Year - Old Site?
Web Site New Year's Checklist

Choose Your Words Wisely
When choosing search engine keywords, consider how they will work

Watch your Hack
It isn't only large corporationsthat can be victims of hackers

Creating a Successful Web Site - Compare Apples to Apples
Cheaper is not better in the long run

Casting the Net Wider
Spread your name around to increase your visitor base

Pay-per-Click Dilemmas
Why just getting hits is not enough...

Web Psychology
How design, layout & color affect your visitors...

Does Pay-Per-Click pay off?

Can you see me now?
Is your web site mobile ready?

Stimulate Your Business - Open a New Location

Taking the Leap
Why would a Web Site help your business?

Build for Your Visitors
Create your site around your target audience

PURLs of Wisdom
Using Multiple Media to Maximum Effect

Know Your Visitors
Analyzing site traffic to maximize your budget

Don't forget to Phone
Is your site mobile ready?

More Bells, More Whistles
It's very easy to get carried away!

Racing the Search Engines
How to stay ahead of the game

Comparing Apples to Apples...
When looking for a Web Site, it also pays to weigh up those future nickels and dimes

Preventing Disaster
Back up your data

Practice Makes Perfect!
"Target your site at what you want to achieve"

Weathering the storm
Recession-proofing your web site

Blogs, Podcasts and Digg.this.. Oh My! (Part III)

Blogs, Podcasts and Digg.this Oh My! (Part II)

Blogs, Podcasts and Digg.this . . . Oh My!

Playing in the Sandbox
Has Google Banned Your Site?

New Years Web-olutions
No matter how often you change your site, the New Year is always a good time to get some housekeeping done, making it ready for the next 12 months of presenting your business image online.

A Holiday Message

Can Professional Web Sites Save Business Costs?

Why have a Web Site?
Know what you want to achieve

Taking your business to the next level...and beyond

Is Your Site Mobile?
New technologies may leave you behind

Special Video Edition

Web Psychology II
Design Layout

Does your site need a second chance on the search engines?
One quick preface. Why am I referring to Google predominantly in this article? Quite simply because Google is the most popular search in the world, and because many other search engines, such as AOL, Compuserve, and even our local look to Google for their results. Therefore, being accepted by Google offers great potential for traffic.

When is a Web Site a Successful Web Site?
It almost sounds like the start line of a joke, but for many web site owners, it can be a very serious question that fills their waking hours. Every day they struggle to make their web site increase business by reaching the millions of potential clients they just know are out there.

Website rules, and the most common mistakes
Many business owners feel a website is just a website. It doesn't matter who designs it or the technology levelinvolved just as long as it is out there somewhere on the Internet.

So you want a website? Now what?
Commissioning a web site is an important decision for business owners. As with any decision, from finding a store to printing a brochure, the wrong choice can have serious affects on the flow, image and future of your business.

Does Paying Per Click Really Pay Off?
Pay-Per-Click Results may sound like a great way to get your site seen, but does it actually create increased revenue?

Gone Phishing! - Beware 'Account Update' emails
Once upon a time, only hackers, viruses, spyware and adware could threaten your online security. Now 'phishing' emails aim at getting hold of your personal information.

Venturing into E-Commerce - Low Cost vs. Custom Solutions
When taking your retail business onto the web, 'Low Cost E-Commerce Solutions' are everywhere. However, custom shopping cart development can return much more than it costs, and save future headaches.

Defending Against Spam and Viruses
Because it is such a large problem, this monthI am breaking slightly with tradition and creating this article in two parts, one in print, and an extended version online with useful links.

Finally, a web site that your practice can control!
The days of high costs and waitingto have changes made to yourweb site are gone. With our unique WebUpdate2 system, you get a professionally developed, custom web site - that you control!

The Psychology of Web Design - Layout
Last month I addressed one of the main questions I am asked by prospective clients, namely, 'Why do professionally-designed web sites all look similar?' In the previous article I approached the psychology of color in a page design. Now comes an equally important element - page layout.

The Psychology of Web Design - Color
One recurring question I have been asked over the lasteight years has been 'Why do most professional web sites look the same?' Believe it or not, that is no coincidence, nor is it a lack of imagination on the part of designers. There are many scientific reasons for web site uniformity.

Transitioning to an Online Retail Business
Taking an existing retail business onto the Internet can often create more problems than it solves. Now, these problems can be remedied with a mouse click.

Is your new wireless network a security risk?
Last month, I am sure that wireless network equipment could be found under many Christmas trees, and by now, many local homes have gone wireless. A more chilling fact is that, for most of these homes, their computers, financial records and documents are now open to the world..

Spyware, Redirects & Adware - The new Internet plague
There was a time when the only damaging or annoying things an Internet surfer had to worry about were viruses and spam. Both of these were pretty easy to guard against. Now, there's a new plague in town that isjust as damaging to your PC, and it's much harder to prevent.

Business on the Internet - 10 Things to Avoid - Part 2
Last month I approached the subject of taking your business to the Internet. If you want to have a website that might actually generate some income, there are several things you have to bear in mind.

Business on the Internet - 10 Things to Avoid - Part 1
Taking your business out onto the World Wide Web can often be one of the most daunting tasks for a committed business owner, even more so when it seems that everyone has a different opinion on the best way to approach this difficult step.

Cheap 'legal' software: What the e-mails don't say
Without a legitimate previous serial number, which does not come with the low-cost software,the CD you just paid for is totally useless.

WebUpdate2 - Giving clients what they want
In the 'good old days' of the mid to late 1990s,  it was well understood that if a company wanted a professional, competitive web site, this could only be achieved by the costly retaining of web developers to make future changes. Those days are now gone.

Post 'Georgia' - A new Internet Opportunity?
Last month I gave a very brief overview of 'The Google Dance', the regular search engine update shuffle. I also told of two recent devastating search overhauls, the 'Florida' and 'Georgia' updates, and theeffects they have had on Internet businesses.

Take your partners for The Google Dance
For anyone who has ever agonized with prospective victims waiting to be axed in American Idol, or the many other reality shows, welcome to the web version, where your sites can literally make or break during 'The Google Dance.'

Broadband Wars: Cable vs. DSL vs. Satellite
With so many choices for high-speed Internet connections these days, is it any wonder that people become confused about which is the best choice for their needs?

Template Sites vs. Content Management
Approximately 70% of the people I talk towould like to be able to update and make changes to their web site themselves.

You really do get what you pay for
Over the last few months I have tried to outline the basics of web development. I have broken down the processes andunderlying complexities that have to take place ifa web site is to be successful.

The mysteries of the search engines
As web developers, some of the first questionswe are asked are about search engines.Many people believe they can attain first place on a search engine in a short time, quickly make millions and retire.

Is your website user friendly?
Attending to these details is somethingthat we do that is not noticed by the end user.Our clients are often oblivious to the extra effortwe put in to ensure easy viewing and navigatingunless we show them direct comparisons.

Does your site chase potential customers away?
Imagine how difficult any creative task would be if no two people saw things the same way. How could you paint a wall knowing some people will see it asbeige, others as cream, and others as sepia?

First steps, and giant leaps
The most important thing you must do beforesigning anything is call for references. Contact the clients from your potential designer's portfolio.Find out about their experience working with the designer.

Web Psychology
How color can affect your visitors

Your Site and Your Business - First Impressions Count
When it comes to taking a business onto the Internet, every company has a different idea how their new site is to look and function. Ultimately, a web site represents your visitors 'first impression' of you, not just for now, but for the life of your site.

Wireless networks - what to look out for
Wireless networks are becoming extremely popular,both in the home and the workplace. The freedom theseallow can be very beneficial and save on costly wiring, but they can also pose a security risk.

Terry Young, CEO

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